Annual appraisal, employee development meeting, staff follow-up meeting – it goes by many names, but how to organise one that produces a positive outcome can be a real headache in many organisations. Here I will share my best tips, whether you are an employee, line manager or HR staffer.
The most important objective of an employee appraisal is to clarify expectations and create room for professional and personal development, job satisfaction and optimal performance. Gaining an insight into what the employee needs to thrive, master, learn and perform allows managers to meet the individual’s needs more easily. The employee appraisal is therefore an important tool in the organisation’s efforts to develop and retain good staff.
NB! The employee appraisal is important, but does not replace day-to-day dialogue between managers and their staff through the year as a whole. Regular status meetings are a precondition for commitment and performance.
Make sure you are well prepared in good time before the employee appraisal meeting. Tell the employee what the purpose, agenda and expectations are for the meeting. Set aside 1-2 hours. Clarify the department/unit’s goals and results before the appraisal meeting. Use the occasion and the conversation actively as a constructive management tool, and a unique opportunity to create results.
Preparation – employee
Make sure you are well prepared in good time before the appraisal meeting. Make sure you are aware of the unit’s goals and plans. Give a sober and realistic assessment of your own results, knowledge and skills. In addition, think through and propose goals and activities for the coming period, including your own development and learning needs.
3 tips for employees
The actual employee appraisal
Objections and resistance
Don’t focus on the cause when you encounter resistance. Address the problems, listen and make an effort to understand.Change tack in the conversation by asking the question. – What do you yourself suggest could be the solution? Lead the employee into a more positive mind-set. Be constructive by yourself proposing solutions.
Tips for HR 🙌