On the CatalystOne blog we cover subjects regarding HR technology, HR systems, HR processes, Performance & Talent Management and more. (5)
Calls for diversity and inclusion in the workplace have increased exponentially.
As our society is being increasingly digitalised, we’re expected to always be connected and accessible. This can make it difficult to disconnect from work in time, and when we work from home to a greater extent than ever before, the lack of a clearly defined workplace also blurs the line between work and leisure. In other words, it has never been more difficult to distinguish between work and private life than it is right now. So how can you as an employer help your employees to have a healthy working life and achieve work-life balance?
Employees are used to sleek and easy-to-use tech – from their smartphones to their cars, kitchen appliances and home security systems. However, most workplace technology is not as polished.
It’s been a strange few years for the modern workplace, with seismic shifts in attitudes, office spaces and, most importantly, employee expectations. So what should the modern HR team focus on in the second half of 2022?
Arribatec, a global supplier of ERP and Payroll solutions, and CatalystOne, one of the leading Scandinavian suppliers of HR-systems, have partnered up to form a technological alliance to provide a complete, scalable solution to digitalise and automate business processes across disciplines such as HR, ERP and Payroll.
The winter vacation is just around the corner and employees are planning their days off. How are you going to register their absence?
The pandemic has pushed the gas pedal to the floor in many ways when it comes to how we work. We have seen remote working and all that it entails – namely the digitilisation of processes and tasks – being pushed through at record speed. But how has this panned out so far for HR processes?
PRESS RELEASE - 15 Oct. 2021
HCM systems provider CatalystOne has reported its highest level of annual recurring revenue during the first half of 2021, on the back of a maturing market.
If you didn't know who Simone Biles was before the 2021 Tokyo Olympics you probably do now. A celebrated American great of all time (affectionately known as GOAT in the US), Biles made headlines across the globe this season for what she didn’t do as opposed to what she did.