On the CatalystOne blog we cover subjects regarding HR technology, HR systems, HR processes, Performance & Talent Management and more. (10)
HR has spent a little bit longer than let’s say finance or CRM getting up to speed with technology to propel their field of expertise into the era of digitalisation. But over the past couple of years we have seen HR taking giant strides to catch up. What kind of technology will Nordic HR executives pay most attention to in 2018?
We have officially entered the high season for job change. You might have noticed it too – at least I’m constantly getting notifications on LinkedIn, encouraging me to congratulate x or y on their new job.
The engineering consulting company will implement a cloud-based HR system to optimise processes for the entire employee lifecycle.
Following rapid growth and professionalisation of HR, the time was right to implement digital tools to support and simplify people processes
I don’t know if it’s me or the industry in general, but every year seems to go by quicker than the last one – and 2017 was no exception. Let’s take a moment to catch our breaths and reflect on what we have experienced and what developments we have seen in the HR industry throughout 2017.
“If only I had known…” is something we all begin our thoughts with every now and then. As someone who is a new – and possibly even the very first – HR manager in an organisation, you may also have those moments.
In case you are the HR department in your organisation, and in fact the very first HR manager. it’s fair to assume that your time goes to areas we already covered in the first three parts of this blog series: the basics, the annual HR cycle and the culture.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”, said the late business management guru Peter Duncker. That was a long time ago, but it was again in 2015 that HR guru Josh Bersin declared that it’s the hottest topic in business again.
Just like organisations, annual HR cycles are all different. If you are the very first HR manager in your organisation, it’s likely that you’ll need to design and implement the processes. But where should you start?
To you, who have just been appointed as the first HR manager in a company with an ambition to build up a professional Human Resources function: Congratulations on your new exciting job!