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Robust, flexible, easy-to-use: Meet CatalystOne’s new ATS integration package



Introducing CatalystOne's new ATS integration with TalentAdore and Teamtailor

CatalystOne has a brand new ATS integration that we can’t wait to show off. 

We’ve worked closely with Applicant Tracking System (ATS) partners TalentAdore, Teamtailor, and TalentTech for quite a while now. And you know what? It’s been a dream.

Throughout our relationship, we’ve had many conversations with all three of our preferred ATS partners on how we can take our integration to the next level. End goal: To make your ATS-HR master data experience as seamless and, well, easy, as possible.  

And in our October 2024 feature update, we’re taking a huge step in that direction. Let’s talk about what’s updated, what’s better, and brand new with our robust ATS integration package. 

Note: If you’re already connected to one of our preferred ATS partners, you will need to set up a new integration to gain access to these new features. Get in touch with a member of the CatalystOne team to learn more. 

Updated: Map a lot more ATS data fields to your master data 

The largest piece of the puzzle was helping you bring as much of your ATS data fields into your master-data. Our earlier integration was limited to four fields: First name, last name, private email, and hiring manager

In the new integration, the number of fields is a heck of a lot bigger.

In addition to the four original fields, TalentAdore and Teamtailor users can now transfer the information in the following fields into your master data:  

  • Mobile phone 
  • Gender 
  • Home address (street, postal code, city, country) 
  • Date of birth 
  • Social Security Number (SSN) 
  • Bank account 
  • Nationality 


  • Organisation 
  • Employment type 
  • Title 
  • Job Location 
  • Cost centre 
  • Date of hiring 

The new fields will be live for TalentAdore and Teamtailor customers with our October release. Talentech customers should also have access to this feature soon. 

There have been quite a few smaller steps that have brought us to this moment. We introduced a lot more flexibility to field mapping in our December update, which you have been able to audit since our February update. 

What this means is that these new fields are designed to be flexible and work with any integration with our preferred ATS partners. 

Want a deep dive on which specific fields map over for your chosen ATS solution? Book a chat. We’d love to show it off. 

Better: Add a direct shortcut to your ATS, plus choose who sees it 

Now it’s time for more visual solutions. First: Customisable and targetable shortcuts, made possible in our February feature update.  

 image (2) 2 (2)

Not only can you choose one of our preferred ATS partners to show up in your shortcut widget, but you can pick who sees it—such as your talent aquisition team—on their own dashboard.  

New: ATS widget in your CatalystOne dashboard 

You'll soon be able to truly integrate either TalentAdore or Teamtailor into CatalystOne’s dashboard through a dedicated widget.  

This integration is really cool.  

You could, for example, zoom in on a candidate you just hired, then click a button to begin their onboarding workflow.  

  ATS widget - One specific position - Ready for hire 1 1

You could get a quick overview of a position currently in process. 

 ATS widget - One specific position 1 1

You could expand your overview to look at the status of all positions you need to get filled. 

  ATS widget - All positions overview 1 1

This is just scratching the surface. We can’t wait to show the new widgets off to you. And we’re really stoked to see what all our deeper ATS integrations can do for your team and hiring process. 

Want to be the first to see the new package in action? Let us know. We’ll show you a demo as soon as a pilot is ready.

Jarrod Chlapowski

Jarrod Chlapowski, 03 October 2024

Jarrod is CatalystOne's Product Marketing Manager. He's written for industries across Norway's tech scene. He loves digging into what makes an awesome product resonate, then sharing what he finds to the audiences who might get the most impact out of it.

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